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우수성과SAIHST 구성원의 언론보도내용 및 수상내역, 각 연구분야의 우수 학술지에 게재된 논문 등 우수한 성과들을 소개합니다.

[조주희 교수, 강단비 선임연구원/ 우수논문] Psychooncology. 2017 Feb 24
No 40
작성자 관리자
등록일 2017/04/20




제 1저자                    교신저자


                                                                                                               강단비 선임연구원               조주희 교수

                                                                                                            (SAIHST 선임연구원)     (SAIHST 전임교수)



Psycho-oncology 표지논문 선정



Psychooncology. 2017 Feb 24. doi: 10.1002/pon.4408.

Who are happy survivors? Physical, psychosocial, and spiritual factors associated with happiness of breast cancer survivors during the transition from cancer patient to survivor.


Danbee Kang, Im-Ryung Kim, Eun-Kyung Choi, Jung Hee Yoon, Se-Kyung Lee, Jeong Eon Lee, Seok Jin Nam, Wonshik Han , Dong-Young Noh, JuHee Cho.




OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate physical, psychosocial, and spiritual factors associated with happiness in breast cancer survivors during the reentry period.


METHODS: It is a cross-sectional study with 283 nonmetastatic breast cancer survivors who completed treatment within 1 year. We included survivors who completed questionnaires on happiness and health-related quality of life (QoL) 2 years after cancer diagnosis. Happiness and QoL was measured using the Subjective Happiness Scale and EORTC QLQ-C30, respectively. Multivariable logistic regression was used to find factors associated with happiness.


RESULTS: The mean age of the study participants was 48.5 ± 7.8 years. Among the 283 survivors, 14.5%, 43.8%, 32.5%, and 2.1% reported being "very happy," "happy," "neutral," and "not happy at all," respectively. Happy survivors reported a better general health status and QoL (67.6 vs 49.6; P < .01), and fewer symptoms compared to unhappy survivors. Happy survivors were more likely to feel certain about the future (27.2% vs 11.9%, P < .01), have a strong purpose in life (22.4% vs 9.3%, P < .01), and feel hopeful (36.4% vs 8.5%, P < .01) compared to unhappy survivors. In a multivariate model, having purpose (OR = 2.50, 95% CI 1.42-4.40) and hope (OR = 4.07, 95% CI 2.23-7.45) in life were found to be associated with happiness.


CONCLUSIONS: During the reentry period, breast cancer survivors who are hopeful and have a clear purpose in life are more likely to be happy than those who are not. Setting proper life goals might be beneficial to help breast cancer survivors who experience persistent QoL issues.



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